Robot Arm Lumezzane
[Update: The project files are now available on our repository on github here. Enjoy!].
It’s just started the new project for final graduation exam of my class V. This time, we had to find a simple project but at the same time exciting for the students. After searching, we came across this:
It is a robotic arm made by Falco De Vries, a dutch guy living near Groningen. The robotic arm it seemed very well made and very different from shaky plastic or mdf arms developed only to studying electronic with none addressing mechanical quality. Falco has published other videos that show that currently is working to make more “intelligent” robot. Unfortunately, has not been released any files of the project and then we rushed to create drawings from scratch.
This year, we have decided to release all drawings, calculations, diagrams and any sources under open source license (GNU? Creative Commons…). This means that anyone can use our job to make a copy of Robot Arm to improve it just mention the source. Below you can download for now all 3D drawings, documents and tables updated from time to time. Drawings were made with Solidworks 2010 and converted in pdf format so that anyone can print them.
Github Project File